Friday, 12 June 2020

Ulthar - "Providence" (2020)

Ulthar's 2020 album, "Providence", with the Tree That Shagged Itself.

Let’s cut to the chase here and address the bleedin’ obvious. The cover art for Pittsburgh death metal squad Ulthar's new album, "Providence", is knee-deep in dongs and minge. In fact, you can't move for all the hideously mutated clunge ‘n todger on display here.

True, they all emanate from what could best be described as a grimdark cancer-tree shagging itself silly in the lower depths of washed-out, spiky hell, care of legendary UK fantasy artist Ian Miller. But still. You'd think the wretch hanging off the top right of the picture would be happier, somehow...

But enough of what you're missing. This album may not always score a direct hit, but when it does, you feel it. I've already drooled over one track, Furnace Hibernation in a previous post. However, it's not alone. Songs like Undying Spear, Through Downward Dynasties, and album closer Humanoid Knot, are a case in point.

Time and again, as these show, Ulthar finds a good idea – a strong riff, a mighty hook, a crushing motif – and has the equally good sense to keep using it. The extra flourishes, like an acoustic guitar interlude and use of sound effects, work well in part because they stand out, and in part because they are used sparingly. Regardless, there’s always something to listen to in the midst of Ulthar’s blackened death metal (or is it deathened black metal?)

 It’s just that some of it isn’t as astounding as the other parts. There are points where Ulthar get caught up in brutality, and the music meanders because the focus goes. (Doubtless, it’s gawping at the cover art too.) These moments are, however, not too common, and for the most part, “Providence” is wonderfully vile and cordial company. With literal knobs on, of course.

SHEEPSCORE: The Tree That Shagged Itself (4 out of 5)

Available now on 20 Buck Spin and the official Ulthar Bandcamp page.

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