Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Cadaveric Undead Mutilation - "Machete Massacre" (2020)

The problem with transgression is that it has a short shelf life. There are only so many times a geek can bite a chicken's head off before they become passe, or you end up as the last icon on your bonfire of vanities.
The problem with transgression is that it has a short shelf life. Either you end up passé, or it destroys you. 

There is no chance of the latter befalling Finnish goregrind peddlers Cadaveric Undead Mutilation, I’m glad to say. Instead, they just start out crap and stay crap, as their new album "Machete Massacre" (sigh...) makes only too clear.

Yes, all the old grindcore chestnuts are present and correct. If it sounds like every other grind band trying to out-gross all the other grind bands, that's because it does.

True, the genre is not known for its variety. But there comes a point when the farting bog-beast vocals, churning one-and-a half-chords and biscuit tin drums get dull. CUM (sigh...) gets right to business by being dull from the very start.

And yet, as is often the case, every bad album has a good album fighting to get out. Stand-out moments, of a sort, occur when a trite yet eerie electric piano kicks in, or creepy synths and drum 'n bass take root. 

All of a sudden, things begin to get interesting in a kitschy sort of way, which somehow sounds even more disturbing given the context.

But then the album falls back into the realm of cliché, and I fall back into the realm of sleep. More of the same, forever more. Banality... 

In summary, this album sounds like a ruptured frog trying to be utterly depraved, but just ending up sounding like, well, a ruptured frog.

SHEEPSCORE: AVOID!!! (1 out of 5)

Available now on the official Cadaveric Undead Mutilation Bandcamp page.

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